If you are considering ways to borrow money, you might have been looking into Barclay’s bank loans but are unsure which is the best option for you. Barclay’s bank loans include:

Review: Barclays Personal loans

Personal loans are loans not secured against anything you own and are instead dependent on your credit score.

Barclay’s offer personal loans of up to £50,000 however the actual amount you can borrow is dependent on your credit score, they offer a price guarantee meaning if you find any like-for-like  loan with a lower APR they will match it.  They will also not change your personalised rate, no matter what your reason for borrowing is.

Review: Barclays Homeowner Loans

Barclay’s homeowner loans are provided by Freedom Finance, you can borrow up to £250,000 with flexible repayment terms between 1 and 25 years. To be eligible for this you must be a homeowner residing in the UK over the age of 18 and have a minimum household income of £8,000 per annum.

Homeowner loans are a way you can secure larger loans for things such as improving your home or consolidating other debts.

The actual amount you can borrow from a secured loan is determined by more than just the value of your home, all lenders will also take into consideration factors such as;

It is vital that you think carefully before taking out a secured loan, as your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up with repayments.

Review: Barclays Career Development Loans

If you need to borrow money to pay for an approved vocational course, you may be eligible for a Barclay’s Career Development Loan.

To be eligible for the Career Development Loan, you must:

With a career Development loan you can borrow between £300 and £10,000 and you do not have to start making repayments until two months after your course finishes. Barclay’s bank loans offer flexible repayment terms of 1 to 5 years from when you finish your course.

Make sure you get the best deal

When looking into a loan of any kind you need to make sure you are getting the best deal you can. Barclay’s are just one lender of many, the terms and conditions as well as the interest rates of loans, as with any other financial product vary widely from lender to lender. So when enquiring shopping around for the best deal is a good idea.

You can use the loan calculator on our website to compare loans from different lenders to help you find the right option for you.