If you are looking for a home extension loan, we can help you find the most competitive deal on the market.
As well as offering home extension deals offered by lenders for people with good credit histories we also work with secured loan brokers who search the UK secured loans market to find you the best rate.
- Adverse Credit and CCJs loan applications considered
- Loans Up to 30 years
- Leading UK secured lender deals compared
For the latest secured loan deals see the latest deals above or contact us on 0117 313 8872.
Home Extension Loans
If you’re planning on making an extension on your existing property, it’s likely you will need to borrow money to fund the work. Luckily, there a now plenty of funding options available to you depending on your personal circumstances. A home extension loan (also known as a home improvement loan) is one of the most popular methods of obtaining finance to fund extension projects.
Advantages of home extension loans
A Home extension loan (also known as a personal loan) usually gives you the chance of borrowing up to £15,000 over 5 years, which is why it is a popular means of funding home improvements.
- Low interest rates – You can typically borrow from £7500 and £15,000 at an interest rate of round about 5%.
- Fixed payments –Personal loans offer fixed payment schedules, making it easier for you to budget your finances.
- Payment Holidays – Many loans offer the flexibility of payment holidays.
Alternatives to home extension loans
Whilst home extension loans are a popular method of funding home extensions, it’s worth noting that you have less chance of securing one if you have a bad or adverse credit rating. As it more difficult to secure personal loans with bad credit ratings, many borrowers turn to secured loans as a method of raising the required capital.
Secured Loans
Secured loans are good for any lenders with bad credit ratings who are looking to borrow up to £100,000 for home improvements. A secured loan is secured against your home, meaning if you fail to keep up with repayments, there is potential for your home to be repossessed.
What loan is most suitable for me?
There is no right or wrong answer as to which loan you should take out to fund your home extension. Depending on your personal circumstances, each loan will be more suitable to specific borrowers. That’s why we recommend that you contact an independent financial advisor or mortgage broker to offer you expert advice and guidance.
Our team of specialist loan advisory team can help evaluate your situation and can help find a loan that is suitable for your individual circumstances. We work with the majority of loan lenders to give you access to leading and exclusive loan deals to fund your home renovation projects.
If you feel you would benefit from the assistance of our expert loan advisory team, why not call us today for a free initial consultation 0117 313 8872.