If you are thinking about taking out a loan of any size one of the first things you probably want to know is how big are your monthly repayments going to be and ultimately how much are you going to pay back. If you have been thinking of taking out a loan with RBS you can use the RBS loan calculator to get an idea of just how much these payments would be.
RBS Personal Loan features:
- Borrow between £1,000 and £25,000
- Repayment terms available from 1 to 7 years
- Home improvement loans over £2,500 can be repaid over 10 years
- Apply and online before 5:55pm and it’s possible to be paid the next day
The RBS calculator can give you an estimate of how much your loan repayments would be depending on how much you wanted to borrow and how long the repayment period you wanted was. However do remember that this is just an estimate any actual APR rate you would be granted would be affected by your own personal financial circumstances like your credit score how much you earn.
Whatever the reason you are looking for a loan is you probably want to get the best deal you can. You can use the loan calculator tool on this website to compare over 200 different loans from 20 different providers to give you an idea of what some of your best options might be.
Things to think about
When you are thinking of taking out a loan of any sort you should consider if you have any other options that may be better suited for your situation. If you have any savings for example it may be better to use them as the interest you repay on a loan may be higher than interest you earn from your savings.
There are also other types of borrowing such as authorised overdrafts and credit cards you might wish to consider.