A personal loan from Santander could bring your home improvement plans to life. Whether you’re converting a loft, installing a kitchen or adding an extra bathroom, a Santander home improvement loan can help you make your house the house of your dreams, whilst significantly adding value for when it’s time to sell on.

What you get with a Santander Home improvement loan

You might be eligible for a Santander home improvement loan if

Like any financial product, Santander have a set of criteria that they ask customers meet before handing out home improvement loans. You might be eligible for a Santander home improvement loan if the following apply to you:

About Santander

Based in Spain, Santander is a relative newcomer to the British mortgage market, following its acquisition of Abbey National in 2004. Santander then went on to acquire Bradford & Bingley and Alliance and Leicester in 2008. Nowadays, Santander has more than 1,300 branches across the UK and offers a wide selection of mortgage deals to suit all borrowers.

To compare the latest Santander secured loan deals with other leading secured loan rates we have partnered with Fluent Money who are the largest UK independent homeowner loan broker.

Click here for the best UK home improvement loan deals from £3,000.