Looking for a great home loan deal?

Whether you want to carry out home improvements, buy a new car, finance a new boat or consolidate exisiting debts we can help you to find a loan. We have a selection of leading home loan deals for you to choose from – complete our home loan enquiry form to get quotes today. 

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Looking to add an extension or alternation to your home? If you are wondering how to finance your property renovation project, a home improvement loan could help. Home improvement loans are a type of loan which is a secured against your home, which means that many lenders will be willing to lend you significantly more money than they might be willing to lend via a personal loan. This is because they have the security of your house as collateral if you fail to make repayments.

What can a home loan be used for?

The answer to this question is, pretty much anything you wish – examples could include:

Whatever your home renovation plane, you could finance it with a home improvement loan. These kinds of alterations can add value to your home in the long term. Many home improvement loan providers will allow you to borrow up to £200,000 against the value of your home. You may also be able to repay the loan over a longer period of time than with a personal loan – up to 25 years in some cases.