Terms Of Business

Fairloans.co.uk is a trading name of Fair Investment Company Limited, of 2 Portland Street, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4JH and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Our FCA registration number is 192852. You can check that we are registered by checking the FCA website at www.FCA.org.uk or by writing to: The Financial Conduct Authority, 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HS.

Our Service:

We offer a non-advisory service which provides customers with information to assist them in selecting products they feel are most appropriate for their needs. Nothing in the www.fairloans.co.uk website shall be deemed to constitute advice or a recommendation to purchase a particular product or service. If you are in any doubt as to the suitability of the product or service we suggest that you seek independent financial advice. When you use our service we will take this as acceptance and agreement of our terms, and you will be bound by them. We will not provide you with personal financial advice and therefore do not have a duty to ensure suitability. This means that you will not be entitled to compensation from us, if it is established that the service or product you select is not suitable. It is your responsibility to take into account your circumstances and objectives and make your own judgement as to suitability.

Fair Investment Company Limited effectively acts as an “introducer” and will introduce you to other companies who provide financial products and/or services. When acting in this capacity the terminology used will vary between companies but includes ‘intermediary’ and ‘financial adviser’, albeit on a non-advised basis in all circumstances.  The www.fairloans.co.uk website provides you with the opportunity of researching and selecting loan products over the Internet.

 Non-regulated products and services:

Please note that the FCA does not regulate all of the products featured on the website. For example, the FCA currently does not regulate commercial mortgages/finance, and some forms of buy to let mortgages and secured loans.

We are not authorised by the FCA to handle client money.  We never accept cheques made out to us unless it is in settlement of charges which you have agreed and confirmed to pay.  In addition, we do not accept or handle cash.

 Mode of Communication:

We will enter into communication with you through whatever means are convenient for you and for us, including telephone, email and other acceptable electronic communication methods.

 Data Protection:

Fair Investment Company Limited is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998.  We will use the information you provide to us to process your enquiry and provide you with information that we consider will be of interest to you. Processing includes obtaining, recording or holding information or data, transferring it to other companies associated with us, product providers, the FCA or any other statutory, governmental or regulatory body for legitimate purposes including, where relevant, to solicitors and/or other debt collection agencies for debt collection purposes and carrying out operations on the information or data.

Upon request, we will supply copies of entries in our records relating to your transactions. You may be charged a fee (subject to the statutory minimum) for supplying you with such data. We undertake to retain such records for at least six years (and many documents we retain for a significantly longer period) from the date of each transaction.  

If at any time you wish us or any company associated with us to cease processing your personal data or contacting you for marketing purposes, please contact The Data Protection Officer at our address


If you wish to register a complaint, please write to the Compliance Officer at Fairloans.co.uk, C/O Fair Investment Company Limited, 2 Portland Street, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4JH or contact us on 0117 933 5500.

If you cannot settle your complaint with us, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service.


Whilst every attempt has been made to ensure that the information on the website and that which is being sent to you is correct and up to date, no warranty or representation is given as to its accuracy or reliability. Whilst the website covers a wide range of products, you should also be aware that there may be other products available on the market, which are not shown on the site, and which may or may not be more competitive.

 Links to other sites:

The www.fairloans.co.uk website contains links to other websites. Fair Investment Company cannot accept responsibility for any information given or advice provided by these other sites.

 UK Residents:

The Fairloans.co.uk (www.fairloans.co.uk) website is aimed at UK residents and those ordinarily resident only and the terms and conditions are governed by English Law.

C/O Fair Investment Company Limited, 2 Portland Street, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4JH 

T 0117 933 5500  

E [email protected]  

Fair Investment Company Ltd is registered in England no. 3980180   V.A.T no. 814365927 Fair Investment Company Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority