If you want to take a vocational course, to help your career or to find work, but you do not have the funds to pay for it you may be eligible for a Professional and Career Development Loan. Whether it’s a postgraduate course like an MSc or MA or technician level training in something like plumbing, Professional and Career Development Loans are available for quite a wide range of courses.

To be considered for a Professional Career Development Loan you must:

With a Career Development Loan you can borrow between £300 and £10,000 no repayments are due on this until you finish the course. Some lenders offer flexible repayment terms of 1 to 5 years from when you finish your course.

Courses that qualify you for a Career Development Loan must:

One month after you finish the course you have to begin making repayments on the loan. If you decide to leave the course early or you finish it sooner than expected you will be expected to start making repayments one month from the date you left.

Things to consider

As taking out any kind of loan is a big decision you should think if you have any other options before you commit to one. If you have any savings it might be beneficial to use these instead, as any interest you earn from your savings may be less than the interest you are charged on your loan.

To be allowed to take out this type of loan, you cannot have any savings over £16,000. When you take out a Career Development Loan you also have to sign a legally binding agreement with the bank stating that you need the loan for course fees or living expenses.