Small Business Loan Services

Our small business loan service provides finance solutions for:

Can my firm apply for a small business loan?

Any company can apply for a business loan, regardless of how big or small they might be, providing that you are VAT registered and you meet the minimum monthly turnover.

As there are a range of business funding options available, it can often be difficult to find the perfect deal for your firm. Our specialist business loan advisory team can help you take the strain of finding the right finance solution for your business.

Call us today on 0117 313 8872 for a free initial consultation or complete the enquiry form above.

What is a small business loan?

The term small business loan covers a few different types of financing which can be offered to companies to fulfil different objectives they might have.

Many lenders offer this type of product, and some specialize in providing these loans.

Over the last few decades, different types of small business loans have developed. Each has a purpose designed to help entrepreneurs accelerate their venture and deliver on their goals.

Therefore, how a small business loan works depends on the type of product you decide to pursue.

Which types of loans are available to small businesses?

With so many different options available to small business owners seeking funds, it can be hard to know where to start looking.

To help streamline your search, we’ve outlined some of the most popular options.

Business line of credit

Essentially, a business line of credit operates similarly to a credit card. 

It can give your business unrestricted access to funds up to a certain limit agreed upon between you and the lender. This makes this type of loan transparent and easy to use.

With a business line of credit, you’ll be able to withdraw cash whenever you need it, and you’ll only need to pay interest on the amount you use, as opposed to the total amount available to you.

There are different ways of configuring a business line of credit, and this can be useful if you have specific cash flow requirements unique to your business’s operation.

Some lines of credit are designed to expire after a certain period, whilst others can be renewed on a revolving basis.

With the latter, you are allowed to reuse any cash in the account once you’ve repaid it, without the need to reapply.

This can be useful if you’re likely to need a consistent stream of credit to help your business reach its full potential.

Accounts Receivable Financing

You may have heard of accounts receivable financing, invoice financing, factoring, or merchant cash advances while researching small business loans.

These are popular methods that business owners can use to manage their cash flow and remain liquid. But what does it really entail?

Accounts receivable financing is the practice of you, a business owner, selling your receivables or any outstanding invoices to a lender.

They will pay you cash for them upfront so you can secure early payment.

This can be very helpful to companies that might be struggling with stagnant trade and slow-paying clients.

Through this financial tool, the lender will take on the risk of your receivables, providing your business with the funds you require from the invoice.

They will provide this service in exchange for a fee.

The age and perceived quality of the receivables you can offer a lender are likely to impact the sum of cash you’ll receive as part of this arrangement, so it’s crucial to bear this in mind before approaching a lender who can facilitate this arrangement.

Ultimately, instant access to the cash you’re owed is a huge upshot of accounts receivable financing.

However, it’s important to consider the fact that you’re likely to end up paying more for this type of financing than other loans you may find on the market.

This is especially true if your business’ credit record is imperfect.

And if the money you’re owed from invoices doesn’t come through, you’ll still need to repay your lender either way, so it could lead to building up debt if you’re unable to manage your business’s finances effectively.

Equipment Loans

Nowadays, many businesses require less equipment than they did ten years ago.

With the rise in digital products, remote working, and the use of the cloud, many companies are eschewing the office or factory in exchange for a more flexible, home-based model.

However, many firms still prefer to operate the old-school way or have a flagship product that requires vast amounts of equipment to manufacture.

If your business falls into the latter category, equipment loans are on hand to help your small business replace or upgrade existing equipment, or even purchase duplicates of the kit you already have as demand for your product grows.

For instance, if you’re expanding your food business, you might take out an equipment loan to pay for items like vat cookers or packaging machines.

In most cases, equipment loans require much less documentation to finalize the arrangement than other small business loans.

This means that when you’re in need, you can quickly receive the cash you require.

Short-term business loan

If your business is facing the prospect of covering emergency expenses, you could consider taking out a short-term business loan to cover the costs.

Let’s face it, life happens, and you may need to cover repairs of your HQ, purchase new equipment, or finance payroll in a time of cash flow difficulty.

Short-term business loans can afford you a much-needed financial boost if you require quick access to funds to promptly address an issue you’ve encountered.

A short-term business loan might also come to the rescue if your company is offered a promising contract or opportunity, but you’re in need of some surplus cash to seize it with two hands.

Whatever your rationale for taking out a short-term business loan, it’s always sensible to make sure you’ll have enough money in the coming period to repay a lender.

If you’re unsure of exactly when you’ll have the cash to reimburse the sum of the loan, with interest, it may be wise to look into funding options which carry a less strict repayment schedule.

Can I get a small business loan as soon as I start my business?

One of the biggest obstacles prospective small business owners face is gathering the necessary capital to actually start trading.

Then, once you’ve established your business, you might be short on cash and anxiously waiting for customers to begin paying for your product or service.

This can be an unnerving time for a new entrepreneur; however, all is not lost. Fortunately, it’s possible to obtain a small business loan soon after starting your business.

Your success in getting a loan at the beginning of your venture will hinge on a few factors.

Whilst some lenders require your business to have been operating for a certain period of time before considering your loan application, others will be more willing to give funding to a newly established company.

In fact, there are some lenders who specialise in exactly that!

When reviewing your application for a small business loan, lenders will normally evaluate various aspects of your proposition.

They’ll consider things like your business plan and its quality, your financial projections, the credit history of your or your partners, and any collateral you can offer a lender to lower their risk.

Since your business is brand new, you aren’t likely to have a very extensive track record of good financial behaviour.

As this is usually the main factor that lenders consider, they might scrutinise other aspects of your application more closely than they would if you were an established firm.

There are a few things that you can do to make your application more appealing to a lender, even if your business is the new kid on the block.

Whilst it’s easy to get ahead of yourself, it’s vital to remember that loan approval is not necessarily in the bag, especially when it comes to new business ventures.

For this reason, it’s essential to conduct thorough research on potential lenders and understand their specific eligibility requirements.

By approaching the matter diligently, you can put yourself in a good position to prepare a compelling loan application which highlights your company’s potential for future success.